Thursday, February 11, 2010

Master Your Metabolism

Lately I've been feeling kind of "blah" in the interesting book department. I needed to delve into a book or good read that would spark my interest. Being a proud health freak, I decided to read yet another health book called Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels. I bet you're thinking this is a diet book and that I'm crazy, but you're wrong (well at least about the diet part book!)

This book is different from all other health books that I've read. The majority of them just talk about how calories matter and eat raw foods and make sure your meals are balanced. They never mentioned the importance of having your hormones in balance. Jillian describes the three steps to take control of your life: remove the toxic foods, restore the foods that make you healthy, and rebalance your hormones. So far I've only read the first step, so I'll keep you updated as I go along!

The first step (remove) was very interesting. I never knew how many different ingredients in foods can get your hormones out of whack. This is the reason why people gain weight or can never seem to lose it. I never realized any of this! I've been trying to avoid some of the bad ingredients, and I've also learned some fun facts. Attention Soda Drinkers: Do you drink soda from a plastic bottle? The majority of sodas contain either sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. This chemical ingredient interacts negatively with plastic bottles and creates the CANCER CAUSING AGENT BENZENE. If you can, drink soda from aluminum cans instead or even better yet, avoid it all together!


  1. Hey, this sounds like an interesting book. Most health books I've heard of tend to put the reader down if they aren't a size -3, so this sounds refreshing. :) What's the writing style like? I'm starved for reading material.

    If you're looking for a funny read, I'd recommend "The Midnight Driver" or "The Graceling", or maybe "The Lovely Bones" if you want something more serious. I don't know what kind of books you like, but those three should be entertaining.

    Btw, keep the fun facts coming. I'll relay this one to my mom.

  2. I didn't know that there was such a difference between drinking soda from a can or drinking it out of a bottle. I also didn't know that hormones had such an effect on our metabolism, or even which foods can be used to balance hormones. Be sure to keep us updated!

  3. I agree with Kevin, I found that fact to be extremely interesting! I know now i'll think twice before I drink from a plastic bottle! Wow. The majority of health books I read I just skim through because they don't exaclty capture my inerest; however, this book sounds very intriquing! I may go check it out! :)
