Thursday, September 3, 2009

How I Write

When I write, I follow several guidelines that all blend together into my unique style. I generally try to make all of my papers optimistic/positive, even if I'm writing a piece that is disagreeing with a belief, value, etc. I don't think that people would want to read a paper that is filled with complaints and has a negative tone (I know that I wouldn't!). I also try to incorporate humor into my writing so I don't sound so uptight and harsh.

I'm a very structured writer. I hate messes and things that are thrown together. I love to sit down and plan what I'm going to write before I actually do it. This helps me save time while I'm writing because I already have a blueprint.

I also use good grammar and punctuation in my writing. As a result, my writing seems more sophisticated and less childish.

One thing that I'd really like to improve when I write is my vocabulary. This is definitely my weakest area academically. I am trying to look up new words and also use a thesaurus constantly in order to improve my word bank.


  1. cheeelsea.
    you're structured writer paragraph perfectly describes you :) whenever we hang out you always clean, watch totoro, and eat sushi; you plan the whole thing :)
    i liked reading your blog post, i'll be sure to look for these idiosyncrasies next time i read your paper!!

  2. I'm sure you do use a lot of structure and organization in your writing. It seems to be a theme with you. I don't like messy papers or assignment either so I would agree with you that it is a good idea to plan out the writing ahead of time.

  3. If you like structure and organization as much as you say you do... dont peer-edit any of my papers this quarter.

    nice blog.
