Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My First Thoughts on AP Composition

I'm enjoying myself more than I thought I would in this class! I really like having a small class of seven people. Everything is a lot more personal than if you're in such a large class. I have a feeling we'll all be a lot closer once the quarter is over...

The annotations we've done in class since school started are a lot more relevant and interesting, in my opinion. I didn't really understand what the point was in reading "Skunk Dreams" over the summer, but essays like "How to Write" really pertain to AP comp. I'm really hoping I can dramatically increase my writing skill level by the time the AP test rolls around.

I have to admit that I enjoyed reading my non-fiction book Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man a lot more than I enjoyed writing the critical analysis about it. I went home on Friday completely clueless as to what this was (the powerpoint left me very confused). I spent a lot of time researching what a critical analysis should include, but it was still tremendously difficult to actually write the paper! Now that the rough draft's done, I feel like I've made it over the hill!

I'm excited to discover what else we'll be writing about and reading. I'm very glad I decided to take this class instead of some other AP ones!


  1. i agree with this blog. i had trouble with the analysis too so dont feel like your the only one who was clueless on friday! this class size kicks A$$!

  2. I feel the same way about the small get more one on one time with the teacher and everyone is really lax :).

    I'm sure everyone felt the same way as you did when writing the critcal was one of the tougher papers I have had to write!

  3. I definitely agree with you Chelsea and Melissa about the small class. It's easier to have fun and joke around without getting us in trouble :)

  4. I definitely agree about the articles! I've enjoyed the ones that we've been assigned these last two weeks a lot more than the ones in the summer, but I had trouble with the critical analysis paper too. I'm still not even sure if I did it exactly right. :)

  5. I agree this class is awesome, even though I'm in a bigger class than you are haha. I also agree that the articles are way more interesting than this summer. It might also help that we're all in "school mode" now, compared to summer when one assignment seemed like some giant task. :( lol.
