Monday, March 1, 2010

"If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier"

"I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should."

This was my favorite quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance (located on page 104 of our course reader.) I feel like this quote really identifies with who I feel like I am as a person, and it's also how I want other people to think of me.

I'm the type of person that always stays true to myself. Sorry, but I'll never change who I am for you or anyone else, for that matter. I don't care if people don't like me or how I think, because I only care how I view myself. I do what I love and love what I do. If someone can love me for what I am, then that is real love. It's sad when people fall in love but they don't act like themselves around the other person, so it shouldn't be allowed to be called "love."

I love that Emerson brings this point up. The whole essay was about staying true to yourself, which I absolutely loved! The main argument of this notable quote is that two people can be totally happy with each other once they fully get to know and be comfortable with the significant other. If this doesn't happen, they should still try until they reach this goal.


  1. I generaly hated the essay and disagreed with a lot of it, but the quotation you pulled out represents it's best part. Thanks for clarifying a sane version of this ideal for me. I should read the essay again...(shudder)

  2. "This above all: to thine own self be true"
    - William Shakespeare, from Hamlet

    "So this is what I've got to say to y'all/
    Be true to yourself and you will never fall"
    - The Beastie Boys, from "Pass the Mic"

  3. I liked this essay, but I do have to agree it got wordy at points. Your post does an excellent job of summing things up in a more concise way. I remember how we were talking in study hall about how people are maturing as we get towards the end of high school and realize that what other people think doesn't matter. You shouldn't have to try to get someone to like you either; be yourself and you'll find someone who will be him or herself so you'll be happy together.

  4. This is a good quote and after reading this I can tell why you picked this one. Knowing who you are is an important part of being alive and once you find who you are, staying true to who you are is life's biggest challenge i think. so i agree. Well writen and nice work.

  5. Wow I don't remember reading that quote...but wow it really is a great one to live by! I think being comfortable with yourself is one of the few most difficult things in this world--it's a battle against yourself. I too beleive that you're not truly in love until you are really yourself around that person and loved anyways. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this post becasue I agree completely! Fab job girl! :))

  6. I just realized i said wow twice in that first sentence :( haha WOW.

  7. I pulled the same idea out of the essay but with a different quote! I really think Emerson was all for individualism and staying true to yourself. There are a few quotes that really bring this statement out and agree with our respective arguments and strengthen the belief that Emerson encouraged preservation of your true self.

  8. This was a pretty good quote. There is a lot of truth to this that opens up the potential for an entire class discussion.
